Maximizing Your School Contracting Business: 3 Paths to Success Apr 23, 2024

As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), Occupational Therapist (OT), or Physical Therapist (PT), the opportunity to directly contract with schools offers a pathway to elevate your business and achieve professional fulfillment. However, the journey isn't a one-size-fits-all, and that's actually...

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For Schools: The Benefits of Working with a Direct Contractor (as Opposed to a Large Staffing Agency) Apr 17, 2024

I am so very excited to write this blog because it's the topic I am MOST passionate about--The Case for the Direct Contractor!   

In the world of school staffing, bigger isn't always better.  There's a compelling case to be made for supporting and championing small businesses...

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Setting Your Rate as a Direct School Contractor Apr 09, 2024

"What should I charge???"  This is HANDS DOWN the NUMBER ONE question that I get in my coaching calls. 

So I thought we could use this opportunity to chat through some considerations to make when setting your rate as an SLP/OT/PT or other related services direct school...

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Different Types of School Contracts: Building Your Dream Contract Mar 19, 2024

Let me bring you in on the worst kept secret ever--the reason I contract is because I absolutely love and live for the autonomy that directly contracting with schools brings. There is nothing quite like the ability to set my rate, my hours, my terms.

Often my coaching customers will schedule a...

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Direct Contract Myth Busting Mar 06, 2024

Too often I see an SLP/OT/PT direct contractor "hopeful" stopped right in their tracks because of a myth floating through the meta-verse.  Nothing stops forward action like overwhelm or fear, which can be triggered by these myths.  So, let's chat through the most common that I hear so...

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The Hybrid Private Practice: The Benefits of Combining Private Practice with School Contracts Feb 27, 2024

If you follow me, you've seen that I'm quick to share how much I love school contracts as an additional source of revenue for private practice owners.  I personally reserve my business exclusively to school contracts because I am a lover of summer's off--mainly so I can waste all of my...

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How Do I Find School Contracts?? Nov 14, 2023

3 Ways for SLPs, OTs, and PTs to find schools to contract with.

Are you an SLP, OT, or PT that has decided you want to work WITH schools but not FOR them? 

The BIGGEST question I get as a contracting coach is, "How do I find schools that are willing to contract with me?"


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